I am the oldest of three children (Brenda and John are my younger siblings). My sister always liked my brother better than me. I don't understand why.
Well, maybe I do. When I was five and Brenda was three, cowboy and indian movies were the thing to watch. Everybody was afraid of indians. My sister was no exception and I took full advantage of that knowledge (even at that very young age, I was a keen observer of the human psyche).
We lived in a big old house with woods behind it. The woods eventually lead to a farm that had horses. I would lure my little sister to that area by saying, "Brenda, let's go see the horses."
Excitedly, she followed me (her older, loving sister) into the woods, up the hill to the fence (well, I made it there-she did not). You see, right as she was about to get to the fence to see the horses, I would start yelling, "The indians are coming. The indians are coming." and proceed to run as fast as my little five year old feet would take me back towards the house (laughing all the way) with Brenda hot behind me screaming, "Wait for me!!! Wait for me!!!"
God I love that kid :)
Speaking of kids I love and indians, this little indian is here for the night. Yeah, she gets to sleep in Alexandra's room, have stew, watch movies, and help me bake a carrot cake for my soon to be 20 year old daughter.
I am glad that my brother (who I never did anything mischievous to;) has allowed Grayce to come over.
And, don't worry John, I promise I won't give her any creative, mischievous ideas. She reminds me of me enough already :)