Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wedding Photos

Since I finally gave Shannon and Kevin their wedding photos last night, I think it is alright if I share a few of my favorites with you now.  The wedding was only two and a half weeks ago, but who's counting:)
It was not only a very beautiful wedding, but also a tremendously fun wedding!!
I hope you enjoy the photos.
  Nothing better than a good wedding and a wonderful couple :)
Congratulations again!!!

I Love the Stones

Glacial erratics that is...
They rock!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

LaSalle Returns

Dave and I went to Ganondagan State Historic Site today to participate in the festivities associated with the reenactment and return of LaSalle to the Finger Lakes region of New York State.  It was a period appropriate (1669) and quite interesting.  I think you might enjoy the photos.
The cast of characters...
(LaSalle is the one kneeling in on the ground)
It was very windy and given the fact that it was almost 90 degrees yesterday,
60 degrees today felt downright cold!!!
We decided to hike to the long house (above left) to warm ourselves up.
 The path there was so pretty, we decided to keep going.
This boardwalk reminded us both of Cape Cod.
The path continued on and eventually led us to this...
I understand why LaSalle chose this spot.
It is very beautiful and well worth a visit.

Friday, September 24, 2010

A Lone Paddler

Glides across a crystal clear lake
into a sunset that promises endless beauty and peace...
Enjoy your journey today :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Just One More Reason

that I am so excited about this fall.
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" comes to theatres on November 19th...
I know I will be there.
Maybe even opening night...
Video courtesy of YouTube.
Be strong Harry!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

11:09 PM

Autumn officially begins tonight at 11:09 PM and I am ready for it.
I have pumpkins and mums...
and a big box of fall decorations ready to be brought out of the barn...
Fall decorating.
I love it more than Christmas!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hard To Believe

that my baby is now 18 years old.
It's true.
Yesterday was DJ's birthday.
He is my kind, happy, intelligent, sports loving son.
And he always makes me laugh.
Happy Birthday DJ.
I hope today is filled with golf balls that float on air and lots of eagles :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Weekend is Just Around the Corner

Or the day after tomorrow.
Or it begins tomorrow at 4:00 PM.
Yeah, that's better - 4:00 PM tomorrow.
Here is a glimpse of what my weekend will be comprised of...
Fresh Squash Soup (with apples, onions, and cream) served in my new to me soup tureen.
Better Homes and Gardens.
And a cake.
Fresh apple cake.
Served with 18 candles on it :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010


All I want to do is just sit around like a lump on a log...
and enjoy the sunshine on my back :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

New Sneakers and Fall

I love fall. 
I think of it as the beginning of a new year. 
Everything is crisp, clean, and fresh.
The school year begins, I buy new sneakers, the monarchs hatch, and candy corn is out on the store shelves.  I spent yesterday with my mom and we traveled around good old Wyoming County enjoying fall. 
I leave you with bits and pieces of my day.

I hope you enjoyed my day as much as I did.
Today I clean, walk, cook, watch the US Open, and make a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils.
Have a great day :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Boys!!!

To the Johns in my life, I hope your birthdays are wonderful and I have baked a little something for you.
To my father in law, John, I hope today is filled with family, food, Prairie Home Companion
and a wonderful Saturday night movie. 
And make sure my boys don't eat all of these!!!
To my brother, John, I hope tomorrow is filled with family, food, and sunshine :)
I love you boys.


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