Sunday, September 25, 2011

Where in the World

is Carmen Sandiego?
Remember that TV show on PBS?  I loved it.  My kids watched it all the time.
Sorry, off on a tangent.
Today's post should be Where in the World did Marcia Go?
Here are a few clues...

Grape Country
It is home to an annual festival celebrating the valley's abundance of the above...
Pumpkins - I really wanted to find a wood pumpkin, but did not :(
Wonderful baskets
with both sides of the streets lined with artisans selling their work...
hand crafted jewelry
 wonderful souls that volunteer their time and homes to Golden Retriever Rescue :)
 and, it is the home of Joseph's Wayside Market...
Call me crazy, but I want the dog in the chair :)
Mums in every color
A variety of apples
Wheat bundles and Indian corn
If you guessed Naples and the Naples Grape Festival, you were correct.
Why it was enough to make this girl want to jay walk just so she could get across the street faster.
However, I would never do that.
Just ask her law abiding sister...
Brenda and me
As you can obviously tell from Brenda's face, her favorite sister would never, ever, ever  do anything like that :)
Have a great night!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

And Another Birthday!!!

It has just been the birthday, birthday weekend here in my neck of the woods!!!
Nineteen years ago today, I was blessed with this monkey right here...
DJ sporting the present his sister sent him
He is happy, kind and helpful...
keeps a clean car...
has a great bunch of friends...
DJ, Mason, Justin
and is celebrating his birthday by attending the Buffalo Bills home opener!!!
Happy Birthday DJ!!!
I love you with all my heart!!!

A Birthday

I spent yesterday afternoon celebrating my niece Emma's birthday.
That is Emma in the middle.  
She is now nine years old and over five feet tall!!!
Like any great birthday party in our family, the birthday girl was showered with colorfully wrapped presents...
sisters that are more than happy to help open presents...
sisters that are more interested in the Disney Channel...
Grayce :
very fashionable clothes...
My brother had to buy this postage stamp size stool that apparently holds individuals that weigh up to 250 lbs...
That's my brother for you.
He was sooo excited about it.
The girls just rolled their eyes ;)

a very tasty cake (as you can tell from the photo:)
a little makeup...
Emma taking full advantage of a gift.  Note the chocolate ice cream lip gloss :)
and a little brother that is so happy to be part of such a wonderful family...
Butch - the three legged pug
He reminds me an awful lot of me!!!
Happy Birthday Emma!!!
We love you!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day Weekend Hike

I pulled the boys away from splitting wood yesterday and made them go hiking with me.
Although at first they were reluctant and tried to dissuade me by tempting me with allure of the US Open, I prevailed and we went to my old stomping grounds - Letchworth State Park.
It was so beautiful.
DJ admiring the view at Big Bend

Dave and DJ
It was also HOT!!!
The temperature was 86 degrees and the humidity was 555% :)
DJ and me
However, the views were spectacular...
Lower Falls

Flowers growing from side of cliff

Dave and DJ

High Falls
and so well worth it.
In the end, the boys were glad they went too.
Sometimes perseverance pays off :)
Have a great day!


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