Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Friday

I am so glad that it is Friday.  This week has been extremely busy.  Too many things going on - school, work, life.  The weekend is turning out to be no different.  Yard work, gardening, spray painting, staining, celebrating Mother's Day a week early with my mother and sister (their schedules allowed for this), and removing wall paper boarder in preparation for a big remodeling project are just some of the tasks I have scheduled for this weekend. 
On a happy note, my daughter will be returning home from college on Sunday.  YAY!!!  Here's a heads up - she loves to bake more than I do.  So look forward to some enticing recipes to follow this summer.  What with Dave in the garden, Nana baking in the kitchen, DJ with a paint brush in his hand, and me even trying my hand at canning, I think it is going to be a pretty interesting summer.  Bring it on!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A New Chair for My Library

It needs to be dusted, vacuumed, and spruced up.  However, I love the color, it swivels and rocks, and fits perfectly in my corner of the library.  It reminds me of a favorite chair I had growing up.  During the summer, I would sit in it, watch soap operas (As the World Turns and Guiding Light) and day dream. 

No TV in this room, however, just good books, a computer and a good light.  I think I will set down and begin reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.  I have heard it is really well written.  I'll let you know.
Maybe, I'll dust first...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Supper Time!!!

Calico beans for the boys...
chocolate cream pie for me...
Who says you can't have dessert for supper ;)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday's Sustenance

Tulips and daffodils soaking up the early morning sun...
favorite photos and books newly rearranged...
myrtle for my mother...
and listening to Frank Sinatra on an old radio.
My sustenance this Sunday morning...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Whitewater Derby

Today it was the kayakers...
Tomorrow, the homemade rafts. 
"I want to go!!!  Please!!!"
You know the rules, Violet:  Work first, then play.
Anyway, maybe I'll get a kayak.  I could see you and me in cute little tartan life vests kayaking on a calm lake.
"OK, Mom."

Friday, April 23, 2010

Happy Friday

A new pair of shoes, a good pedicure, and a cute tattoo to boot...

Happy Friday.
Walking, white water derby participation, housekeeping and paper writing.
Happy weekend.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Flowers to Brighten Your Day

Phlox...They provide a such beautiful ground cover.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Nourishment for One's Soul

Sun shining on an old dog... grape hyacinths blooming...
a comfortable chair...
and bird seed for sustenance...
on a Sunday afternoon.


It has been cold and dreary here in our neck of the woods so that means spending time inside reading magazines (Country Sampler), lighting candles (lilac),
and watching movies...
The Shawshank Redemption, to be exact.
Quite an enjoyable Saturday, actually.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


May your day be filled with nothing but sunshine and warm breezes :)
Happy Birthday!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Hakuna Matata

Warthog!!! No Alexandra, that is a woodchuck :)In french for THE french major.
Good thing you aren't majoring in conservation :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Fort Hill

serene...If you get the chance, visit. It is well worth the hike.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday's Stroll

Those of you that know me know that there is nothing I enjoy more than walking. I love it. I walk at least 15 miles a week from the middle of March right up and through November. December through mid March--not so much. I do not like the cold and treadmills and gyms just don't do it for me. They are boring. But when the days get longer and the weather warms, I put my sneakers on and am out that door. I have several routes that I travel. However, on Sunday afternoons, I like to switch it up. We hop in the car and off we go. This week it was Fort Hill. It is a historical site with spectacular views. I will share photos tomorrow. In fact, I think I am going to make this a weekly blog entitled "Sunday Strolls with Violet." What do you think? Sound good? Let me know. While you think about it, I will be taking my other two puppies for their walk.
Have a good night.

Saturday Afternoon Baseball

Summer means iced tea (sun brewed, of course), barbequed chicken, baked beans, corn, picking blackberries, eating outside, going for walks and bike rides, hanging with friends, seeing a movie on Friday night, and watching baseball on a Saturday afternoon.

I have done this pretty much every summer since I was a kid. Yesterday was no exception--I watched a great baseball game. Only it was not on TV, it was at my son's high school and they WON!!!
It was a thriller right up to the end--when DJ got up to bat and hit a two-run walk off to win the game. Great job boys!!! You done good :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Lucky 7

Emma, let's tell everyone how seven is not only how old you are, but also our lucky number. Better yet, let's show them how much fun we had with only $7.00. Softball, shirt, and overall dress - $3.00.
Softball sweatshirt - free!!!
Capris, coverup and lovely heart dress shirt - $3.00.
Baby doll cradle - $1.00
Thrifting on a Saturday morning with my favorite nieces - priceless :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring Cleaning - Outside

Now that Dave is retired, he has been able to do things he truly enjoys. Spending time outside working in the woods is one of those things. Let's look at the results of his hard work.
Where there was once a pile of branches, the ground now breathes...
the jonquils smile...
and the forsythia is aglow with happiness...
Have a great night.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


This is where I cook, clean, bake, and care for my family. It is where I enjoy being most. Although it is small (under 1,100 square feet), it is cozy and comforting, and when I walk through the door at the end of the day, I have three happy dogs and a cat smiling at me and ready to go for yet another walk. And yes, the cat does occassionally go for walks with me.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

I hope you have a wonderful day!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A New Record Has Been Established

The previous entries for First Pond Swim of the Year have been erased. That is correct. After enduring a four mile hike complete with 85 degree weather, DJ decided it was time to take the plunge...
The record has been broken!!!
Live long and be strong young man :)

Signs of Spring

New cattail shoots are beginning to emerge...the walleyes are running...
ospreys are perching in the sun...
and skunk cabbage is making its debuit...
This is spring in the Finger Lakes.


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