
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday's Stroll

Those of you that know me know that there is nothing I enjoy more than walking. I love it. I walk at least 15 miles a week from the middle of March right up and through November. December through mid March--not so much. I do not like the cold and treadmills and gyms just don't do it for me. They are boring. But when the days get longer and the weather warms, I put my sneakers on and am out that door. I have several routes that I travel. However, on Sunday afternoons, I like to switch it up. We hop in the car and off we go. This week it was Fort Hill. It is a historical site with spectacular views. I will share photos tomorrow. In fact, I think I am going to make this a weekly blog entitled "Sunday Strolls with Violet." What do you think? Sound good? Let me know. While you think about it, I will be taking my other two puppies for their walk.
Have a good night.

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