Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Images

I am lucky enough to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of my home for many reasons.
Today, however, I honor the military (past and present) and say thank you for allowing me to enjoy these amenities.  Because of your sacrifices, I have been afforded many things.  Most importantly - freedom.
That being said, I hope you enjoy the photos of our Memorial Day parade. 
The weather could not have been more perfect...
Now, I am off to roast some hot dogs and enjoy the afternoon sun.
I hope your day is enjoyable also.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

This One is For You Dad

Because my Dad makes the best barbequed chicken ever.

The recipe he uses can be found here
It is moist, delicious and, most importantly, prepared with love.
That's his secret ingredient :)
Off to the refrigerator it goes.
Can't wait til tomorrow.

Who Loves Her Sister?

I'll give you a clue...
It is someone who is also getting a bath today...
Any idea?
Violet does.
That's who :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hand Washing Dishes

First let me emphasize that I do not enjoy doing dishes.
However, when they are as delicate and happy as these ones are, I don't mind...
(Cup is from DJ's recent trip to Walt Disney World).
Thank you DJ.
I love it. 
And good luck today:)

Monday, May 24, 2010

It Doesn't Matter How Old You Are

Sometimes, you just want to play dress up.
After cleaning her room yesterday, Alexandra decided to try on the dress she wore to prom when she was in the ninth grade...
She magically became Cinderella and enchanted the little doggie :)
Have a good Monday.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

On Wash Day

Pillow cases become stained glass windows...
Enjoy your Sunday :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Around the Garden

Yesterday was a very productive day outside.  I mowed the lawn and did some gardening.  I bought hanging baskets that are colorful, soothing, and complementary.
I also let the cat out because I knew he would enjoy the early morning sun...
I also purchased a new bird bath that has a frog on it.  Soon sweet peas will surround it.
Why a birdbath with a frog on it you ask? 
Because some of us are obsessed with frogs...
Isn't that right, Violet?
That depends on your definition of obsession....
Have a great day!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Flowers and A Recipe

These flowers are from last weekend (Mother's Day).  However, they were so pretty that I had to take a picture and share them with you. 
I also made this cake last weekend. It was sooo moist and refreshing.  My Mom and sister are coming over tomorrow so I will be making it for them.  DJ will also be returning home from Walt Disney World.  The lucky bum has been there since Thursday.  He is on his senior trip.  When I went on my senior trip it was to only to Toronto.  However, for a country bumpkin, it was FUN!!! 
I am not sharing any stories ;)  Don't even ask.
Anywho, here is the link to the recipe.  Give it a try.  I think you will really like it :)
Happy weekend!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Can You See It?

It is right around the corner...
Grayce and Emma fishing off the bridge.  Catching bass for dinner.
Picking blackberries for blackberry pie...
Swinging on a tire swing that will hang from an old oak tree...
Catching fireflies at night, having bonfires, and telling spooky stories. 
Can you see it?
It is summer and it will be here before you know it :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I just want to thank you, Alexandra and DJ, for making my Mother's Day extra special and let you know that my life is so much more interesting because you are in it!!!
You are my sunshines!!!
I love you.
And a Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and sister, too. 
I love you guys!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Nothing But Gray Skies Do I See

On my way home from work tonight, I looked to the west and saw some of the most beautiful skies I have ever seen and I did not have my camera!!!  Needless to say, I put the pedal to the metal and was home in an instant.  I ran inside, grabbed Dave and my camera, and drove to the top of the hill to take these pictures to share with you.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.   
Absolutely stunning aren't they?
Have a great night.  We're off to dinner and a movie.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Scholar Athlete

Not only is my daughter a scholar, but she is also an athlete who knows how to throw a mean softball.  Yes, she is short.  However, tonight she played the role of shortstop...
Just look at her fan base - broad shouldered boys...
Best friends...
Best friends who think it is funny when broad shouldered boys do their best to avoid getting their picture taken.  Little did the best friend know that I made sure she was in the photo ;)
And loyal Dads...

Always there to root on one of his scholar athletes. 
And a Mom who loves take photos of the fools :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Lilacs and a Birthday Wish

We enjoyed warmer than normal temperatures this weekend.  Actually, we have enjoyed warmer than normal temperatures for the past month.  Because of that, spring arrived early.  In fact, I believe we are three weeks ahead of schedule.  Well, I guess that depends on whose schedule you are talking about.  According to me, I think we are right on schedule.  You see, my lilacs are just about ready to bloom and I, like my mother, love lilacs.  I love their smell, their color, and the petite flowers.  Can't you almost smell them?  Breath in really deep.  I think if you try real hard, you will smell them because I have wished that for you :)  
I hope you enjoyed them.  I also hope that my sister, Brenda, enjoyed her birthday today.  My wish for her is that it has been a day filled with frosted cinnamon buns, Dunkin Donuts coffee, and flowers.
Happy Birthday Brenda!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Care to Sit a Spell?

I have cleaned off the barn porch and have a comfortable wicker chair for you to sit in.  You can view my bleeding heart from there or look at my Christmas cactus that is just finishing up its second blooming.
We can talk about gardening and I will show you how Dave turned a rusty old wash tub into a beautiful herb garden.  We can look at my newly planted spirea goldenmound that should have pretty pink flowers this summer...
or enjoy the pink crabapple that is blooming right now...
or the trillium that are at their peak right now...
or we can just sit and watch the mama flycatcher build a nest for her little babies...
You choose.  You are the guest. 
These are just some of the things that are going on in my neck of the woods this Sunday morning.


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