
Monday, May 3, 2010

Lilacs and a Birthday Wish

We enjoyed warmer than normal temperatures this weekend.  Actually, we have enjoyed warmer than normal temperatures for the past month.  Because of that, spring arrived early.  In fact, I believe we are three weeks ahead of schedule.  Well, I guess that depends on whose schedule you are talking about.  According to me, I think we are right on schedule.  You see, my lilacs are just about ready to bloom and I, like my mother, love lilacs.  I love their smell, their color, and the petite flowers.  Can't you almost smell them?  Breath in really deep.  I think if you try real hard, you will smell them because I have wished that for you :)  
I hope you enjoyed them.  I also hope that my sister, Brenda, enjoyed her birthday today.  My wish for her is that it has been a day filled with frosted cinnamon buns, Dunkin Donuts coffee, and flowers.
Happy Birthday Brenda!!!

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