Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Evening Light

After a hard rain yesterday, the sun came out and welcomed us warmly...
Go for a walk and enjoy the night air :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Taking It Up a Notch For My Boy

Yesterday we had a small graduation party for DJ.  Immediate family and DJ's friends came. 
Parties at our house mean flowers, food, and fun. 
We put the Swedish flag up for Dave's Dad because he could not make it to the party.
mulched around the house...
cleaned off the barn porch, put up the window that Nana painted, and had the sun tea ready...
I brought out my favorite vintage table cloth...
DJ and Dave brought out the ping pong table...
I made sure my decoupaged EAT letters were up...
brought out the food - pulled pork, calico beans, salt potatoes, broccoli salad, macaroni salad, fruit salad, strawberry pretzel salad, cheese, pepperoni, crackers, chips, salsa,  and graduation cake.
And then we partied like it was 2010 :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Carpe Diem

Last night, our son graduated from high school.  We are so proud of him.  He is a smart, kind, and happy individual and we are proud to be his parents. 
It was a wonderful night spent with best friends...
an aunt and sister who love him dearly...
his cousin who declined doing the sound for his own school's high school graduation because he wanted to be at DJ's graduation and party...
a Gramma that doesn't love him too much...
and DJ's family...
a father who has gone to all his son's bowling and baseball games, always offers an encouraging word, 
and loves his son with all his heart...
and a mother who adores you...
Now get out there and, "Seize the day, my son."
Seize the day.
We love you.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine

We all love the morning sunshine here at  our house. 
The tiger lillies are soaking it up.
The birdbath is taking some time to reflect...
And, my astilbes just radiate with gratitude...
Sunshine changes things.
Have a great day :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Turkey Feathers

I'm not really sure where that saying comes from, but I like it anyway. 
On Sunday when I was taking pictures of my garden containers, I moved my green chair...
noted something speckled out of the corner of my eye...
and thought turkey egg!!! 
I am not quite sure how a hen laid an egg there. 
She must have been one limber lady or very tiny because the space between the chair and egg
is minimal to say the least. 
Pretty neat, huh? 
Just thought I would share. 
Have a great day :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Container Gardening

One year for Christmas when DJ was a little boy (maybe 10 years old), he gave me this book.  He knew I loved gardening and when he went Christmas shopping with his Dad, he insisted he buy the book.  My son knows me too well.  The book is full of great ideas.  You can reuse and recycle many items creating containers full of beauty.  I know I've gotten a lot of ideas from it.
For example, a discarded baby cradle, now becomes a flower bed...
An old washtub, becomes a welcoming point...
A whiskey barrel full of pretties greets you as you sit by the pond...
And my children's wagon has even been recycled....
How could I get rid of that?
Now, I just have to wash it off a little.
 Maybe a lot :)
Think outside of the box (flower box in this instance) and have a great day :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!!

Happy Father's Day Dad!!!
You always make me laugh:)
I love you !!!
And Happy Father's Day to Dave and John!!!
I hope your day is spectacular :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Can You Say Subway?

Last year, my daughter and I went to New York City for the weekend. 
Neither of us had ever been there before and we absolutely fell in love with it. 
The energy there is absolutely amazing. 
The nights were amazing...
The days were amazing...
However, everything paled in comparison to this place right here....
That's right. 
A little piece of heaven on earth. 
Not a bad seat in the place. 
Just pure heaven.
I wish I was there right now watching the Yanks and Mets play ball.
Time to plan a weekend trip :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Can You Say OCD?

It is said that when an individual chooses a pet, they tend to choose a animal that not only looks like them, but also has many of the same character traits.  Terriers are strong willed, spirited dogs, that tend to be a bit obsessive about things.  They can also be particular at times.
I am definitely not strong willed, spirited, obsessive, or particular.
Nope.  Not me.  At all. 
I have control issues, but that's it :)
Now, you get that frog,Violet.  I know you can do it!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ding, Ding, Ding

Went the bell on the ice cream truck.
Did you say ice cream truck?
I did :)
The Ice Cream Man comes to our house about once every two weeks.
He is kind, courteous, has a wide selection of products available, 
and makes all of us feel like we are little kids again. 
We tip him well ;)
Thank you Ice Cream Man for the ice cream and summer memories.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

An Exceptional Day

We spent an exceptional day at Lyceum Stadium in Geneva today...
watching Finger Lakes West All Star seniors...
However, it was No. 28 who not only hit well, but...
also stole bases and our heart...
You go down in our books, DJ, as No. 1 All Star of all time:)
Who let the dogs out?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lost - Viva Barbados

Where a boat washes ashore...
The cast survives...
and everything ends up tasting like...
rum and fruit juices...
Where each episode ends with a wonderful sunset...
a happy note :)
and palm trees in the sand...
I hope you enjoyed tonight's episode :)


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