
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday Moments

We spent last weekend in Pittsburgh.  Dave's dad who is 92 years old fell off of his scooter and broke both his femur and humerus bones.  Needless to say, we were extremely worried.  So we made the six hour sojourn there to check on him.
Because he had broken the neck of his femur, hip replacement surgery was foremost on our mind.  At first, the doctors were not sure whether they would operate.  There are many risks associated with hip replacement and they are ten fold in an older person.  However, because he is so active (swimming a 1/2 mile/day five times a week), they decided to perform the surgery as the benefits outweighed the risks.
We are so glad they did.
The doctor did a partial hip replacement on Sunday, Monday the physical therapists had him out of bed and in a wheel chair for an hour, Tuesday he put weight on his leg, and by Friday he had returned home :)  Although he is not able to return to his apartment yet, he is at the skilled living portion of the facility where he continues to recuperate. 
Most importantly, he has returned to his home and friends:)
While the surgery was being performed, we walked across the street and enjoyed the peacefulness of LaRoche College.  It was just what we needed.  
I hope you enjoy the jaunt also.

Peace be with you.

1 comment:

  1. Happy you two found this place. Like Mike said, these photos are definitely Pinterest worthy!
