
Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Little Baking

We had our first real snowfall for the month of December yesterday.  I took a video of it.  However, I have to remember to make sure that when I am videoing that I have the camera held in a horizontal position as opposed to my preferred vertical position ;)  So, no video for you today.  Instead, you get pictures of cookies!!!
I baked over 100 Greek Christmas cookies yesterday.
I am not Greek, however, my entire family loves these cookies.
My Mom came over and she helped :)
That's my Mom and some of the cookies.  There are more on other counter!!!
She made sure the honey syrup did not burn...
The cast iron pan was given to me by my Dad's Mom.  It is my favorite pan.
Once the syrup had boiled for 10 minutes and reduced in volume, I turned off the stove, placed as many cookies into the the hot syrup as possible, and then submerged them using my spatula...
I then removed them and placed them in another dish.
Don't they look delicious?
They are!!!
You know what else they are?
They are the perfect gift :)
Because they are made with love.
Homemade really is the best.
Have a great day :)
Edited to note that the recipe has been added to my Recipe tab above!!!
Have a great Christmas!!! 


  1. You have to add the recipe to your recipe section!

  2. Seriously, these look heavenly! Can you divulge your secret family recipe? ;)
