My daughter will be arriving Tuesday evening and spending Thanksgiving with us. I can't wait to see her!!! I haven't seen her in FOUR months!!! The only thing she requested for this visit was that I redo her bedroom. Redo her bedroom? Have you ever seen her bedroom?
Yep, that's it (in all its glory :) Granted, I was in the midst of painting the closet. However, it was ugly and messy - broken louvered closet doors, a dirty bed (because Violet thinks of it as the BIG doggy bed), dust pretty much everywhere, holes in the walls and dirty windows. No more, however. Gone are the louvered doors and dirty white walls of the closet...
The doors were taken down last month. They made for a pretty amazing bonfire :) I took out all the clothes and miscellaneous items (three bags worth) and gave to my friends, family and Volunteers of America. I washed the walls and painted them Eddie Bauer Ochre in a satin finish, Dave stained the wood pine planks maple.
The bedroom is painted Eddie Bauer Pine Needle (again in a satin finish) and I love it. The paint brand is Valspar (it goes on like a dream). I placed her dresser in the closet which made the room seem a lot bigger, centered her bed, put clean bedding on it and then I placed one of my favorite paintings above it...
I had DJ get the sewing machine stand that I purchased at a church sale years ago for $8.00 out of the barn, cleaned it up and placed a few of Alexandra's favorite photos on it. I put a beautiful fall wreath that I bought at Dollar General several years ago above it :)
An old rotary telephone stand that held my daughter's papers in the closet was cleaned and is now a plant stand. My spider plant and Christmas cactus are very happy, indeed...
as they will be exposed to the sun all day long...
I am very happy with my efforts. I hope Alexandra is too :) The only money spent on this project was for the paint. Everything else I already had. I just re purposed it :) I am huge proponent of making do with what you have. You'd be surprised what you can do with a little imagination.
Now if you will excuse me I still have many things to do. Tuesday night is going to be game night at my house. Probably at least half a dozen kids will be over.
You know what that means don't you?
Marcia's baking. That's what that means. Nothing makes me happier :)
I hope you have a great night and week :)