Friday, October 26, 2012


For the past two days, we have been experiencing Indian Summer here in Western New York.  Yesterday actually felt hot to me (temperatures were in the 70s).  The sun was out, the sky a bright blue and the few leaves left on trees were gorgeous.  I spent the afternoon at Letchworth State Park with my nephew Daniel taking his senior pictures.  We had so much fun:)
At home, I enjoyed looking at my Halloween decorations that I brought out last Sunday.  Boo came out of the barn and is excited about his favorite holiday being less than one week away.  I bought him at Ames (my most favorite store ever) close to 20 years ago and I will never, ever, ever get rid of him.  He's not scary at all.  He's just happy.   
I didn't put up as many Halloween decorations this year, and that's OK.  I am enjoying nature's splendor instead.  I will be taking advantage of today as it is supposed to be the last day of Indian Summer here in my neck of the woods (big cold snap tomorrow) and doing some major walking tonight when I return home from work.
As for the weekend, who knows.  Tropical storm Sandy looks like she may be headed straight for us.  That means time spent indoors cooking, cleaning and decorating.  Just might be the perfect weekend to get ready for painting someone's bedroom...  Now there's an idea :)
Have a great weekend!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Another Beautiful Autumn Day

"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere." - Vincent Van Gogh 

Enjoy your afternoon :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

His Eye Is On The...

Normally, His eye is on the sparrow :)
Today, however, His eye was on the...
the little, bitty, bitty tufted titmouse...
that flew into the kitchen window...
but I know He watches...
I know He watches...
over me.
And you too :)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

One Saturday Morning

Our wood stove is stoked and warming the house nicely.  I have candles burning, a pot roast in my crock pot and an already half eaten coffee cake sitting on my kitchen counter.
There is something very comforting to me about coffee cake. 
It's one of life's little luxuries (like the Sunday edition of The New York Times).
If interested in the recipe, you may find it under my recipe tab.
The dogs and I have gone for a walk already.
The sun is bright...
and the air crisp...
making it necessary to wear a coat...
on this Saturday morning in mid October.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Friday Night Lights

This past Friday night I went to my nephew Daniel's last football game of his high school career.  It was also the beginning of Homecoming Weekend and Senior recognition night.  You knew I had to be there :)
I went early and took before game pictures of the coach giving his pep talk...
of Daniel being recognized as a Senior and his Mom being there to support him...
of the team removing their helmets and paying respect to our country's national anthem...
I watched my nephew support his team from both the sidelines...
and on the field...
His team played a good first half and returned after halftime with determination...
Unfortunately, they lost.  However, as I always say, "It's not whether you win or lose that matters.  It's how you play the game that matters most."
On that note, I want you to know that I could not be prouder of my nephew not only as a football player, but as a wonderful young man. 
Can I hear a POUND IT Daniel?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Colors of Fall

The leaves, in my opinion, have not only turned color earlier than normal this year, but are some of the  most beautiful colors I can ever remember seeing.  This evening's walk was one of my most enjoyable.  It reminded me of when I was little and I got a new new box of crayons for school.  We would be asked to choose our favorite color.  Do you like red, orange or green?
How about purple?  Isn't it lovely how the sunlight highlights that tree in the middle?
I walked to the airplane field where I watched men perform acrobatics in the sky with their model airplanes.
My return home was just as beautiful.
The ash trees that are normally yellow are purple this year.  Never saw that before.
My two beagle friends were at their command post as usual.  They don't bark as much as they used to, however.  I kind of miss it.  They always put a smile on my face :)
Which color is my favorite?
I am going to have to say purple this year.  Maybe orange. 
How about you?
What's your favorite color?


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