
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Are You Ready For Some Football

Today was the season opener for the Buffalo Bills.  They played the New England Patriots and lost.  Regardless of how they play, we watch them faithfully.  On Sundays, I prepare food for the event.  Today's specials were:  grilled turkey burgers with Colby/Monterrey Jack cheese on a toasted roll...
With a Beer Of Course
and homemade broccoli and cheese soup...
I love to cook and football season is just an excuse for me to do so.  I also make sure that I take my dogs for a walk through the woods at half time.  They are happy to get out of the house and so am I...
Because no matter how much I like the Buffalo Bills...
I love nature...
and all that it has to offer...
so very...
very much more.
It is also a lot more relaxing!!!
I think I am going to go for another walk :)
Have a great night!

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